Tester Votes Against Gun Rights, Again

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HJ Res 44 was killed in the US Senate 50-49 on a straight party vote. This was a resolution to repeal the ATF’s new pistol brace rule.

Sen. John Tester, who was non-committal before the vote, voted against HJ Res 44. His often-made claim that he “will continue to hold the ATF accountable and defend the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding gun owners” is patently false. His vote made the difference.

This would have been an easy vote for Tester to show his commitment to gun rights. President Biden had already promised to veto the measure. This was purely a test of whether he would vote to support our Second Amendment rights, or vote as instructed by Chuck Schumer. He came up short.

Tester also followed Chuck Schumer’s instructions when he voted in favor of the largest gun control package in decades last year.

The Biden Administration has issued multiple executive orders to curtail gun rights. Tester has been silent on every single one. Tester is on the banking committee, and yet has not uttered a peep about Biden’s Anti-Gun Banking Policy.

He can’t even be bothered to speak out against the egregious actions by the IRS at Highwood Creek Outfitters in Great Falls last week.

The only pro-2A thing Tester has ever said is that he’s against Biden’s call for a ban on assault weapons. But how can we trust him when he won’t even vote to rein in the actions of an out-of-control ATF?

Tester tries to run as a conservative in Montana. When he comes home he puts on the Carhartt’s and talks about his ranch life. But when he goes to Washington, he votes like a Northeastern liberal. Here are his comparisons with other Senators on his voting record in the current session:


Have you noticed that on close votes on major issues, Sinema and Manchin get all of the attention? No one ever interviews John Tester to see how he’s going to vote. That’s because John Tester votes against his party only 6.7% of the time. He is not a moderate. He is nowhere near being a conservative. You can’t tell me that you vote for Montana values when your voting record is indistinguishable from from that rogue’s gallery of liberal scoundrels.

If you examine Tester’s voting record in-depth, he votes 100% with liberal Democrats on any important issue. Notably, the Inflation Reduction Act was a 50-50 vote in the Senate, with Vice President Harris casting the tie breaking vote. The only reason it passed is because John Tester did as he was told by Chuck Schumer. The differences in his votes have been mainly on judicial appointments.

If you vote for John Tester because you think he’s a a real Montanan and a moderate whom you can trust on important issues like gun rights, you’re being played. You’re just a sucker. His voting record shows there’s barely any difference between him and Dianne Feinstein.

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