
HRDC Wants Preemption to Apply to the Bozeman Streamline

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HRDC sent out an email today asking Gallatin County voters to vote in favor of creating an urban transportation district. They’ve also got an explanation on their website.

As we pointed out before, the Bozeman Streamline is an Unarmed Victim Zone. They’re able to get away with this because HRDC is a non-governmental entity that runs the Streamline.

Perhaps a lawyer can correct me on this, but it seems logical that placing the Streamline into an urban transportation district will make it subject to MCA 45-8-351.

With HB 631 waiting on the governor’s desk for his signature, the new urban transportation district will probably get a demand letter to remove the offensive language from their rules the moment the district is created. It would be a real shame if it had to get hit with a lawsuit to persuade it to comply with Montana law.

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