What is it about public transportation in Montana? The operators seem to think they’re above the law. From the web page of the Billings City Bus Service: https://www.billingsmt.gov/3073/HOW-TO-RIDE

Unlike Bozeman’s streamline, Billings The Bus is a governmental entity and transportation facilities are not an exception to permitless carry:
45-8-356. Where concealed weapon may be carried — exceptions. A person with a current and valid permit issued pursuant to 45-8-321 or recognized pursuant to 45-8-329 may not be prohibited or restricted from exercising that permit anywhere in the state, except:
(1) in a correctional, detention, or treatment facility operated by or contracted with the department of corrections or a secure treatment facility operated by the department of public health and human services;
(2) in a detention facility or secure area of a law enforcement facility owned and operated by a city or county;
(3) at or beyond a security screening checkpoint regulated by the transportation security administration in a publicly owned, commercial airport;
(4) in a building owned and occupied by the United States;
(5) on a military reservation owned and managed by the United States;
(6) on private property where the owner of the property or the person who possesses or is in control of the property, including a tenant or lessee of the property, expressly prohibits firearms;
(7) within a courtroom or an area of a courthouse in use by court personnel pursuant to an order of a justice of the peace or judge; or
(8) in a school building as determined by a school board pursuant to 45-8-361.
Let’s hope HB 631 passes and we can slap them with a lawsuit.
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