NRA Steps In It

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This morning I received this little gem from the NRA-ILA via email:

“Today, March 24, the House of Representatives is scheduled to vote on House Bill 674. This bill proposes an optional, enhanced concealed carry permit that would allow recognition of Montanans’ concealed carry permits in five more states: WA, MN, NM, SC, and DE. It is imperative that you contact your representative NOW and urge them to SUPPORT HB 674!”

The problem is that the NRA doesn’t seem to know too much about Montana, and they’ve been completely stubborn about taking advice from the locals. While most gun owners will undoubtedly be in favor of expanding our concealed carry reciprocity to more states, there’s just one little problem: The Montana state constitution.

Article II, Section 4:  The dignity of the human being is inviolable. No person shall be denied the equal protection of the laws. 

House Bill 674 proposes to grant an enhanced concealed carry permit restricted to those persons over 21 years of age, as other states already require. While Montana often amends the Constitution regarding minors to pass certain laws, the National Rifle Association pushes for HB 674 without allowing for Constitutional amendment, knowing that it would eventually be struck down in court.

Unfortunately, this tactic has taken away attention from gun-rights bills that could have been supported and which face better prospects of being passed into law. As a result, this particular push by the NRA may hinder our rights more than protect them.

Thankfully, NRA-ILA doesn’t get any money from the NRA membership dues. If you’re a Montanan, there are better places for your money.

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